Mobile and Wireless Networking Group Lab


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Our Research Interests

  • Mobile computing: wireless networks, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT), crowd-sensing, Wi-Fi sensing, wireless charging;
  • Security: cyber security, network security, privacy and trust;
  • Cellular networks: mobile packet core, mobile data offloading;

One Ph.D. position is currently available. Master's degree is NOT required but a plus. Candidates with interests in wireless and mobile computing are encouraged to apply. Please email your CV (including GPA, TOEFL, and GRE scores (with Q>160)) to Dr. Bulut at ebulut [at] vcu [dot] edu together with an area that you are interested in working.


(Fall 2024)CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures (Office hours: TR 1:00pm-2:00pm)
(Spring 2024) CMSC 628 - Mobile Networks
(Fall 2023)CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2023) CMSC 628 - Mobile Networks
(Fall 2022) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2022) CMSC 428 - Mobile Programming- iOS
(Fall 2021) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2021) CMSC 628 - Mobile Networks
(Fall 2020) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2020) CMSC 428 - Mobile Programming- iOS
(Fall 2019) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2019) CMSC 628 - Mobile Networks
(Fall 2018) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2018) CMSC 428 - Mobile Programming- iOS
(Fall 2017) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2017) CMSC 491 - Mobile Programming- iOS
(Fall 2016) CMSC 401 - Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
(Spring 2016) CMSC 491 - Mobile Programming- iOS


Associate Editor: Elsevier Ad hoc Networks (2022 - ), IEEE Access (2018- )
Guest Editor: Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) Journal - Special Issue on "Pervasive Mobile Energy Sharing" (2020)
Panel review: NSF (2024 (3), 2023 (1), 2021(2), 2020(1), 2018(2), 2017(2))
                       Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) (2018)
                       Singapore Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) (2021)
Organizing Committee: LCN 2024 (General Chair)
          (2023): LCN 2023 (TPC chair), MASS 2023 (TPC co-chair)
         (2022): LCN 2022 (TPC co-chair), Resilience Week 2022 (Communications Track Chair)
         (2021): LCN 2021 (Publications Chair), Resilience Week 2021 (Communications Track Chair)
       (2020): LCN 2020 (Symposium/Edas Chair), LANMAN 2020 (Publications Chair), Resilience Week 2020 (Communications Track Chair), WPSN 2020 (General Chair)
         (2019): LCN 2019 (Student Grants/Edas Chair)
         (2018): LCN 2018 (Publicity Chair)
TPC: (2024): ICC 2024, WoWMoM 2024, PIMRC 2024, Globecom 2024, IPCCC 2024, Healthcom 2024, VTC-2024-Fall
         (2023): ICC 2023, WoWMoM 2023, PIMRC 2023, Globecom 2023, IPCCC 2023, VTC-2023-Fall
         (2022): ICC 2022, WoWMoM 2022, PIMRC 2022, Globecom 2022, ISCC 2022, IPCCC 2022
        (2021): ICC 2021, WoWMoM 2021, PIMRC 2021, Globecom 2021, ISCC 2021
        (2020): ICC 2020, WoWMoM 2020, PIMRC 2020, VTC-2020-Fall
        (2019): ICC 2019, WoWMoM 2019, PIMRC 2019, VTC-2019-Fall
        (2018): VTC 2018-Spring, WoWMoM 2018, PIMRC 2018
        (2017): LCN 2017, VTC 2017-Fall, MobiSPC 2017
        (2016): LCN 2016, Socialcom 2016.


  • [June/24] We are organizing WiSense: 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Sensing and Edge Computing in Percom 2025, Washington D.C., March 17-21, 2025.
  • [April/24] Amir defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated. Congrats!.
  • [Jan/24] Nafeez joined the MoWiNG Lab.
  • [Oct/23] Dr. Bulut will serve as General Chair of IEEE LCN 2024.
  • [Aug/23] 3 papers (REUNS1, REUNS2, REUNS3) authored by summer REU students accepted to REUNS workshop. Well done!
  • [Aug/23] Two new projects funded by CCI: (i) "CyberMobile: Secure Mobile (iOS) Development through Experiential Learning" ($100k) in collaboration with VUU, (ii) "Low-cost and Long-lasting Soil Moisture Sensing with WiFi signals and Energy Harvesting" ($100k) in collaboration with UVA.
  • [June/23] We are organizing WiSense: International Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Sensing and Edge Computing in Percom 2024, Biarritz, France, March 11-15, 2024. Submit your original works before Nov 17th, through Edas.
  • [May/23] Two new grants received! 1) "iTREAT - Improved Treatment using Advanced Technologies" ($269k) funded by Commonwealth Health Research Board (CHRB) - PI: Pidcoe from Physical Therapy, 2) "A Device Free WiFi Sensing System to Assess Daily Activities and Mobility in Low-Income Older Adults With and Without Cognitive Impairment" ($150k), funded by PennAITech Center (NIH funded center in UPenn) - role: mPI, leadPI: Jane Chung from Nursing
  • [May/23] Steven defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated. Congrats!.
  • [April/23] Congratulations to Steven for getting Outstanding Paper Award for his paper published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IF: 33.84).
  • [Dec/22] Our paper proposing a solution against adversarial WiFi sensing is accepted to appear in Percom 2023 (acceptance ratio 17% (27/159)).
  • [Nov/22] Dr. Bulut is invited to serve as TPC co-chair of IEEE MASS 2023.
  • [Sept/22] Dr. Bulut will serve as TPC chair of IEEE LCN 2023.
  • [Sept/22] Our survey paper on WiFi sensing for Real-World Systems is accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IF: 33.84).
  • [Aug/22] Two new projects funded by CCI: (i) Secure Mobile (iOS) Programming through Experiential Learning ($50k) in collaboration with VUU, (ii) Wireless Smart Home Intrusion Detector ($30k).
  • [Aug/22] Received supplement ($50k) from NSF to use AERPAW testbed for UAV experiments.
  • [Aug/22] Our Wi-PT paper proposing a WiFi sensing based physical rehability tracking system is accepted to appear in Healthcom 2022 proceedings.
  • [Aug/22] Our demo paper showing IMSI sharing based IoT device communication is accepted to appear in MASS 2022 proceedings.
  • [May/21] Congratulations to Steven for passing his proposal defense.
  • [April/22] Congratulations to Steven and Fatih for getting the VCU College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award., and CS Department Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award, respectively.
  • [March/22] One paper is accepted to appear in WiseML 2022 Workshop (held together with WiSec 2022).
  • [March/22] Dr. Bulut gave a talk on 5G V2X Communications and Security in INL Wireless Security Workshop.
  • [March/22] Our paper on 3D stable matching in MCS is accepted to appear in WoWMoM 2022 proceedings.
  • [Feb/22] One journal paper on IMSI sharing based massive IoT communication is accepted in IoT Journal (IF: 9.471).
  • [Jan/22] Our project titled "WiFi Sensing-Based Device-Free Daily Activity and Mobility Recognition for Older Adults" is funded by VCU School of Nursing (PI: Jane Chung).
  • [Jan/22] Dr. Bulut is invited to join Ad hoc Networks Editorial Board.
  • [Dec/21] One journal paper on Federated Learning based WiFi sensing is accepted in IoT Journal (IF: 9.471).
  • [Nov/21] Dr. Bulut will be TPC co-chair in LCN 2022, which will be held in Edmonton.
  • [Nov/21] Fatih defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated. Congrats!.
  • [Oct/21] One journal paper on online stable task assignment in mobile crowd sensing systems is accepted in IoT Journal (IF: 9.471).
  • [Sept/21] Our project titled "Smart Wireless Attack and WiFi Sensing via Intelligent Reflecting Surface" is funded by Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI). (PI: Yanxiao Zhao, coPIs: Eyuphan Bulut, Changqing Luo)
  • [June/21] One paper on WiFi sensing based soil moisture sensing is accepted in LCN 2021.
  • [June/21] Congratulations to Fatih for passing his proposal defense.
  • [June/21] Our project titled "Experimenting Aggregated IoT 5G Communication through IMSI Sharing" is funded by Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI).
  • [March/21] Two journal papers accepted (TVT crowd sensing, JNCA bitcoin channel network).
  • [Jan/21] Adversarial WiFi sensing paper is accepted in ICC'21 and Multi-UAV path planning paper is accepted in VTC-Spring'21.
  • [Nov/20] One paper is accepted in Elsevier Ad hoc Networks (Adhoc-balancing).
  • [Oct/20] Congrats to Aashish for defending his Ph.D. thesis and getting ready for graduation.
  • [Sept/20] Two papers accepted in LCN 2020 (LCN-IoT, LCN20-crowdsensing).
  • [Sept/20] One paper accepted in Resilience Week 2020 (RW20-V2X).
  • [June/20] Our project on device-free WiFi sensing based occupancy detection is funded by VCU Presidential Research Quest (PERQ) Fund (News1, News2).
  • [June/20] Dr. Bulut is tenured and promoted to Associate Professor.
  • [May/20] Two journal papers (JNCA, TMC) are accepted to appear in Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) and Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), respectively.
  • [April/20] Dr. Bulut has been recognized as IEEE Senior Member.
  • [March/20] Our paper offering an IoT based device-free WiFi Sensing system is accepted in WoWMoM 2020.
  • [March/20] Our paper on WiFi Sensing is awarded Best Demo Award in Percom 2020.
  • [Feb/20] Two journal papers (P1, P2) accepted to appear in Computer Networks.
  • [Feb/20] Congrats to Steven for being awarded for Percom 2020 travel grant.
  • [Feb/20] Congrats to Steven for having a demo paper on WiFi sensing accepted in Percom 2020.
  • [Oct/19] Dr. Bulut will be chairing a workshop on Wirelessly Powered Systems and Networks (WPSN) during DCOSS to be held in Los Angeles, in May 25-27, 2020.
  • [Sept/19] One paper on indoor localization is accepted to appear in CCNC 2020.
  • [Sept/19] Dr. Bulut received a summer extension grant from AFRL to develop efficient path planning algorithms for cellular-connected UAVs.
  • [Aug/19] One paper on energy balancing is accepted to appear in MASS 2019.
  • [July/19] V2V charging paper accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT).
  • [July/19] Two papers (Energy balancing, MCS-Task Matching) accepted to appear in Globecom 2019.
  • [June/19] Dr. Bulut will be in AFRL as a visiting faculty during summer.
  • [May/19] One paper is accepted in Adhoc Networks journal.
  • [April/19] Three new papers accepted. [ICDCS-Workshop], [ICCCN-SDN], [ITEC].
  • [March/19] One paper is accepted to appear in Wowmom 2019.
  • [Aug/18] Our project is funded by NSF.
  • [July/18] New papers: [PP-Matching-Adhoc-journal], [5G-IoT], [Blockchain-EV], [RSU-UAV].
  • [May/18] Privacy preserving matching paper is accepted to appear in VTC 2018.
  • [April/18] Crowdcharging paper is accepted to appear in ICCCN 2018 Hot Topics on Networking Track.
  • [April/18] Congrats to Fatih for publishing his first paper (in IEEE Access journal).
  • [April/18] Congrats to Steven for getting the NSF GRFP fellowship award ($34,000/year for three years) News
  • [Feb/18] UAV trajectory paper is accepted to appear in ICC 2018 Workshop on Integrating UAVs into 5G.
  • [Jan/18] One paper is accepted to appear in ICC 2018.
  • [Nov/17] Congrats to Senior Design Team for winning the Sternheimer award ($660).
  • [Aug/17] Fatih Yucel joined the MoWiNG Lab.
  • [Aug/17] One paper is accepted to appear in MASS REUNS workshop.
  • [May/17] Congrats to Aashish for receiving travel grant to attend GENI summer school and workshop.
  • [May/17] Invited to NSF CPS panel.
  • [March/17] Congrats to Aashish for publishing his first paper (in Infocom MiSeNet workshop).
  • [March/17] Two papers are accepted to appear in Infocom workshops (MiSeNet paper, Perfecto paper).
  • [Feb/17] One paper is accepted to appear in SocialSens 2017.
  • [Feb/17] Invited to NSF NRT panel.
  • [Jan/17] One paper is accepted to appear in VTC 2017.
  • [Dec/16] One paper is accepted to appear in WCNC 2017.
  • [Nov/16] Congratulations to Aashish for receiving travel grant to attend GENI regional workshop.
  • [Nov/16] Citations reached 1000+.
  • [Sept/16] Our project is funded by NSF.
  • [Aug/16] Aashish Dhunganaa joined the MoWiNG Lab.
  • [Aug/16] One paper is accepted to appear in WiMob 2016 workshop.
  • [June/16] Our paper is accepted to appear in Computer Networks.
  • [Oct/15] h-index = 16, i-index=18 (from Google scholar profile)
  • [Sept 15] MoWiNG Lab is founded.